1 Ton Grip & Lighting Truck with me.

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1 ton Lighting & Grip package.

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Includes (1)

  • Camera Slider Rigwheels camera slider 4,8,12,16 feet 100mm, 150mm bowl adapeters. LIGHTS 1) 1K Arri fresenl kit includes 3)1000 watt fresenl, Arri’s 1) Soft Bank Arri kit includes 1) 1000 watt open face with Chimera 2) 150 watt fresenl 1) 650 watt fresnel 1) 300 watt fresnel 2) Kino Tegra 4 foot 4 Bank. 2) Kino Diva. 2) Additional Chimeras GRIP 5) Century Stands 5) 18 x 24 flags 3) 18 x 24 double nets 2) 18 x 24 single nets 1) 18 x 24 silk 1) 18 x 48 cutter 1) 48 x48 open gel frame 1) 40" x 40" reflector (hard and soft) 1) 40" x 40" reflector (ultra soft, super soft) 6) Foam Core Board 4 x 4 White on white and White on Black 1) Magliner grip/video cart with shelves Black Duba Teen. 3) Full apples 3) Half apples 3) quarter apple Spud clamps springer clamps and C47's A variety of dubateen blackout cloths. AUDIO 1) Sound Devices 442 Stereo Mixer 2) Sennheiser G2-500 UHF Wireless 1) Lectrosonics UM-190 UHF Wireless 1) Neuhmann RM-81i Shotgun w/boom pole 2) Tram TR-50 Lavalier 2) Sanken Lavaliers Cables and miscellaneous connectors

G30 Truck

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Equipment Replacement Value: $30,000

1 ton Lighting & Grip package.

Includes (1)

  • Camera Slider Rigwheels camera slider 4,8,12,16 feet 100mm, 150mm bowl adapeters. LIGHTS 1) 1K Arri fresenl kit includes 3)1000 watt fresenl, Arri’s 1) Soft Bank Arri kit includes 1) 1000 watt open face with Chimera 2) 150 watt fresenl 1) 650 watt fresnel 1) 300 watt fresnel 2) Kino Tegra 4 foot 4 Bank. 2) Kino Diva. 2) Additional Chimeras GRIP 5) Century Stands 5) 18 x 24 flags 3) 18 x 24 double nets 2) 18 x 24 single nets 1) 18 x 24 silk 1) 18 x 48 cutter 1) 48 x48 open gel frame 1) 40" x 40" reflector (hard and soft) 1) 40" x 40" reflector (ultra soft, super soft) 6) Foam Core Board 4 x 4 White on white and White on Black 1) Magliner grip/video cart with shelves Black Duba Teen. 3) Full apples 3) Half apples 3) quarter apple Spud clamps springer clamps and C47's A variety of dubateen blackout cloths. AUDIO 1) Sound Devices 442 Stereo Mixer 2) Sennheiser G2-500 UHF Wireless 1) Lectrosonics UM-190 UHF Wireless 1) Neuhmann RM-81i Shotgun w/boom pole 2) Tram TR-50 Lavalier 2) Sanken Lavaliers Cables and miscellaneous connectors

G30 Truck

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