Robert K Avatar

Robert K

Director of Photography / Cinematographer

Arlington, VA Member since June 2021


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Hi! I'm Rob - Currently based in Washington DC as the in-house Director of Photography for a national nonprofit. I've done work spanning the USA, UK & Europe and hoping to shift my work towards a more cinematic approach.

On the Web

2x Quasar Rainbow 2 RGBX Lights! (4ft)

Quasar Science Rainbow R2 lights (4ft) - RGBX with tons of built in effects! Find out more about these amazing lights here: I have used these as background elements in music videos, key lights for quick interviews and to simulate police lights during a car chase. They're super versatile, easy to use and learn and just work in any situation you put them in. Includes 2 lights, each supplied with: - 1 x Ossium Slider - 1 x Ossium Baby Pin - 2 x Q-Boot Bumpers - 1 x 8' AC Power Cord - 1 x 8' DC Power Cord (P-Tap)



Quasar Science Rainbow R2 lights (4ft) - RGBX with tons of built in effects! Find out more about these amazing lights here:

I have used these as background elements in music videos, key lights for quick interviews and to simulate police lights during a car chase. They're super versatile, easy to use and learn and just work in any situation you put them in.

Includes 2 lights, each supplied with:
- 1 x Ossium Slider
- 1 x Ossium Baby Pin
- 2 x Q-Boot Bumpers
- 1 x 8' AC Power Cord
- 1 x 8' DC Power Cord (P-Tap)

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6x Prime Lens Set!

Includes: Metabones PL-E Adapter



  • Metabones PL-E Adapter


Set of 6x Prime Lenses for rent! Comes with an adapter of your choice in a hard flight case. Native PL mount.

The Sony CineAlta MKII lenses are robust, with a slightly more neutral look than the more famous Cooke S4s, but with more warmth and roll off than the Zeiss CP2/3s - perfect for film work (especially if there is a VFX need), music videos or documentary interviews. At T2, these lenses are sharp and have minimal breathing throughout the focus range.

I primarily use these for documentary work, paired with an FS7 and a Metabones PL - E adapter. Included lengths are:

Default: Ships with a Metabones PL - E adapter. Other adapters available upon request. Covers a Super35 image sensor (diagonal set of 31.1mm).

Front Diameter: 114mm
Filter Diameter: 95mm

I am also happy to deliver these to your set(s) and can't wait to see what you create with them! Please note that these are heavy lenses - the 135 is 5.5lbs! - and should be used with lens support if possible.

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