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Joseph J

Film Director

Greensboro, NC Member since June 2017


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Hi, I go by Joe, never Joseph. (Not that there's anything wrong with that) I've was captured by photography since the age of 13, way back at the dawn of time. I escaped after a year of photography school at RIT only to be delivered into the hands of videography and filmmaking. If you ask me a simple question, to the best of my ability, I'll start with, "In the Beginning..." or "I was born by the river / in a little tent." That's not true, I was born in Columbia SC, raised in Greensboro. and survived living in Atlanta for almost 30 years. But enough about me.

I teach part time at A&T and freelance as a director and camera operator. In between that I make little films, help others make their films and plan and scheme to make longer films.

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