Virginie Blachere Photography, Inc. Avatar

Virginie Blachere Photography, Inc.


Brooklyn, NY Member since August 2021


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Leaving France as an exchange student at the age of 16 was one of the best thing I ever did
Bleaching my hair blond was not
Graduated with a BA in Art History at the University of California, Berkeley
Returned to my natural hair color
Went to study photography at the Academy of Art University
Packed my bags, moved to New York
Entered MFA photography program at NYU and the International Center of Photography
Assisted NY top photographers.
Traveled, learned all I could
Developed an eye throughout my journeys
Story teller at heart, emotions, and feelings runs through my work
Always aiming to embrace a narrative, an atmosphere, the truth of the moment
Exploring the subtleties in human nature, getting closer, representing people as they are is the ultimate goal

Still remain a natural brunette but with the addition of a little new brunette.

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Reviews (1)

Average 5.0 Stars

returned in perfect condition!
