Carl Zeiss MC Pancolor 50mm f1.8 Lens - EF Mount

Owner's Notes

Vintage Zeiss glass -- gives a creamy look like no other. This is an m42 screw mount with a Canon EF chipless adapter, meaning, your Canon will not know what is mounted to it. All control is manual.

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Carl Zeiss
MC Pancolor 50mm f1.8 Canon EF Mount Manual
Slightly Worn

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Equipment Replacement Value: $500

Vintage Zeiss glass -- gives a creamy look like no other. This is an m42 screw mount with a Canon EF chipless adapter, meaning, your Canon will not know what is mounted to it. All control is manual. Absolutely lovely bokeh and shallow depth of field. Glass is clean, and functioning perfectly.

Carl Zeiss
MC Pancolor 50mm f1.8 Canon EF Mount Manual
Slightly Worn