Arnaud P Avatar

Arnaud P

Los Angeles, Member since January 2017

Arnaud Paris worked as a 3D director and stereographer on a variety of formats including documentaries, music videos, commercials and short films.

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RED Dragon Full Package

Red Dragon ready to shoot package including LCD, Red Brick battery, Rokinon Lens Set and 3 SSD cards.



Red Dragon ready to shoot package including LCD, Red Brick battery, Rokinon Lens Set and 3 SSD cards.

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Red Scarlet Dragon

This drone has been entirely designed to handle the Dragon camera with a selection of wide angle lenses. It is based on a Dodeca Frame (12 motors) to provide the best stability and highest lift in any condition and a solid structure to handle the heavy payload associated to high end cameras like the Dragon and all the pro accessories (follow-focus, sound sync, etc.). It comes with the famous Movi M10 aerial solution which has proven itself to be the best pro aerial gimbal out there. Our company has received FAA exemption so that your shoot will be totally legal and you don't risk a giant fine and shutdown while filming. Our drone operators are certified pilots in the US and we'll follow precisely FAA regulation which is the only way for your production to be covered by your insurance. We provide a full camera package with the Red Dragon capable of shooting up to 6K at 96fps (or 4k at 120fps) and we'll bring on the set a backup body so that there is no surprise during filming, we also provide a full backup aerial unit. Our crew is composed of 2 to 3 people depending on the complexity of the shots and the filming environment. All our gear is conditioned in flight cases ready to travel anywhere in the world. Our company has been doing aerial filming in Europe for the last 15 years and we recently relocated in the US. Feel free to check out our recent work on the Burning Man 3D movie scheduled to release early 2016:



This drone has been entirely designed to handle the Dragon camera with a selection of wide angle lenses. It is based on a Dodeca Frame (12 motors) to provide the best stability and highest lift in any condition and a solid structure to handle the heavy payload associated to high end cameras like the Dragon and all the pro accessories (follow-focus, sound sync, etc.).

It comes with the famous Movi M10 aerial solution which has proven itself to be the best pro aerial gimbal out there.

Our company has received FAA exemption so that your shoot will be totally legal and you don't risk a giant fine and shutdown while filming. Our drone operators are certified pilots in the US and we'll follow precisely FAA regulation which is the only way for your production to be covered by your insurance.

We provide a full camera package with the Red Dragon capable of shooting up to 6K at 96fps (or 4k at 120fps) and we'll bring on the set a backup body so that there is no surprise during filming, we also provide a full backup aerial unit.

Our crew is composed of 2 to 3 people depending on the complexity of the shots and the filming environment. All our gear is conditioned in flight cases ready to travel anywhere in the world.

Our company has been doing aerial filming in Europe for the last 15 years and we recently relocated in the US. Feel free to check out our recent work on the Burning Man 3D movie scheduled to release early 2016:

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