Austin F Avatar

Austin F

Reston, VA Member since January 2017


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3DR Solo Complete Filming Kit

Comes with Pelican Case, 4 batteries, range extender (up to 1-2 miles depending on visibility), gimbal, GoPro Hero 4 Black, extra propellers, chargers, 3 GoPro batteries and 32GB Memory card. Literally everything you need besides a phone, though I can throw in an android tablet if you don't have a smartphone.



Comes with Pelican Case, 4 batteries, range extender (up to 1-2 miles depending on visibility), gimbal, GoPro Hero 4 Black, extra propellers, chargers, 3 GoPro batteries and 32GB Memory card. Literally everything you need besides a phone, though I can throw in an android tablet if you don't have a smartphone.

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