Foster V Avatar

Foster V

Montclair, NJ Member since July 2023

I am a freelance director and producer living in the NYC area. check out my Vimeo to see my portfolio.

On the Web

Sachtler Video 25 Fluid head with 150 Aluminum Tripod

Sachtler Video 25 Fluid head with 150mm bowl Aluminum Tripod ( with ground spreaders) . Comes in a soft carry case.



Sachtler Video 25 Fluid head with 150mm bowl Aluminum Tripod ( with ground spreaders) . Comes in a soft carry case.

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Beaulieu 1008 XL Super 8 Camera

Beaulieu Zoom Macro 7-45mm T1.2, Auto & Manual exposure, 9,18,24,36fps, single frame, AA Battery holder. Automatic zoom does not work only manual. Footage Shot on this camera -



Beaulieu Zoom Macro 7-45mm T1.2, Auto & Manual exposure, 9,18,24,36fps, single frame, AA Battery holder. Automatic zoom does not work only manual.

Footage Shot on this camera -

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