Justin H
Clayton, MO Member since January 2017
I'm a wedding and portrait photographer based in Manhattan. I think photography knowledge is becoming more and more accessible, so I'm glad I can share my gear with others as well.
I'm a wedding and portrait photographer based in Manhattan. I think photography knowledge is becoming more and more accessible, so I'm glad I can share my gear with others as well.
Recently serviced, like-new D750. I've treated it quite well and it's served me well. Primarily used to shoot weddings and events in the last 2 years. If you have any questions about functions or how to use it feel free t oask.
Recently serviced, like-new D750. I've treated it quite well and it's served me well. Primarily used to shoot weddings and events in the last 2 years. If you have any questions about functions or how to use it feel free t oask.