Cameron Z Avatar

cameron z

Salt Lake City, UT Member since August 2018


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Canon 5D Mark II

Includes: Canon EF 50mm f1.4, 8gb CF cards (2x), 1 battery + charger



  • Canon EF 50mm f1.4
  • 8gb CF cards (2x)
  • 1 battery + charger


A package that comes with a Canon EF 50mm f1.4 lens, (2x) 8gb CF cards, a battery, and a charger for that battery. one of the CF cards has Magic Lantern installed on it. I have CineStyle installed on User Def 1 in the Picture Style menu. There is a crack on the top screen of the camera, but it doesn't affect the performance, nor does it inhibit the ability to use the top screen.

this is one of my favorite cameras because of its color science, but I only use it for commercial work, and I shoot all my personal work on film. Plus finding freelance photography work is rare for me, I am now renting it to people who will find good use for it. I had bought the camera within the past year used from Acme Camera Co.

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