Lars E L Avatar

Lars E L

Film Director

New Hamburg, NY Member since April 2018


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Firmly entrenched in that middle ground between puberty & the Age of Reason, Lars makes his way through life finding creative & sometimes humorous (supposedly...) solutions to production challenges in the film & theatrical arts. Walking that fine line between documenting the world as how it IS and just making up new worlds from scratch one gig at a time, he has been known to bring not only his unusually broad pallet of skills to any given project but also a keen wit fueled by a voracious curiosity, dogged determination edging dangerously close to the obsessive and the sincere appreciation for the efforts of his fellow crew members. Let's just say that there aren't only bagels & cream cheese on Lars' craft service table...

Softer is better somtimes...

Goes great with my 8x8 butterfly frame... just sayin'...



Goes great with my 8x8 butterfly frame... just sayin'...

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Harsh shadows: BEGONE!

Just add some diffusion and SHAZAM: bye bye harsh tones & shadows, hello controlled surfaces and rolled-off shadows (if you want that sort of thing...). I have and 8x8 silk, 8x8 full screen and 8x8 black/white solid as well...



Just add some diffusion and SHAZAM: bye bye harsh tones & shadows, hello controlled surfaces and rolled-off shadows (if you want that sort of thing...). I have and 8x8 silk, 8x8 full screen and 8x8 black/white solid as well...

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