Peter S Avatar

Peter S

San Mateo, 94403 Member since January 2017


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Photos of food, gatherings, trips and adventures were a part of living in my family. I have carried my DSLR with me on every trip since college and loved the sport of capturing a memory and sharing it with as many people possible. Never short on stories, images help bring these oratories to life!

Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G Lens

This lens has been my go to for dinner parties and food shots. It captures a great deal of light in restaurants of friends and food alike but even better it also has a shallow enough depth of field to soften the background to keep the focus on the subject!



This lens has been my go to for dinner parties and food shots. It captures a great deal of light in restaurants of friends and food alike but even better it also has a shallow enough depth of field to soften the background to keep the focus on the subject!

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Reviews (1)

Average 5.0 Stars

Made pick up and drop off convenient for me.

January 2017
