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Anthony J


Pacific Palisades, CA Member since March 2018


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I've been in production since 2001. Started in television as a producer/writer, then added post-production editing and sound. Made a move to online and retail video for a while, then decided to start my own full-service company in 2010. Still doing it, working with a variety of clients creating corporate, commercial, and entertainment industry content. I've most recently added YouTubers to my client list and I'm also creating videos for myself on my channel. A one-man-band and I love hiring talented people to come along for the ride!

Portable Green Screen 10' x 12' w/ Stand and Clamps

10' X 12' portable green screen. With stands and clamps. The green screen is cloth.



10' X 12' portable green screen. With stands and clamps. The green screen is cloth.

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